VAT Training Course

While systems and processes are, of course, important, the true foundation of good VAT compliance and management in any organisation is knowledge. However, in properly equipping staff with the knowledge and skills they need a business can face a number of challenges:



At Essentia, we have extensive experience of delivering properly focussed training across a wide range of functions, jurisdictions and cultures. We do not believe in giving standardised presentations full of information that you don’t need. A typical training project would consist of:



Often, we find it helpful to place training in the context of our other services. For instance, we have found that a very useful approach for shared service centres can be to perform a review of processes first, followed by training that then focusses on the issues that come to light and functions as a “surgery” to which staff can bring their problems, not just a dry classroom lecture.

Contact us for more information on our tax vat training services.


International VAT Training Course